Saturday, May 05, 2007

This week I had the opportunity to go with some visiting French students and a couple of my students on two day trips.

On Monday, we went to Statue Park It is a park full of statues from the communism era. Looking at all the statues really made me wonder about the lives of some older Hungarians. I wish I could sit down with some of them and listen to their stories. Maybe in the future, once I understand the culture a little more, I could have my students interview their grandparents. (Just a thought.)

After visiting Statue Park, we went to a Classic American Car Show. It was fun, reminded me of home. I took some pictures feel free to look at

On Wednesday we went to Visegrad. It is a small town north of Budapest. It was so beautiful. It is right next to the river. There is a castle up on a hill overlooking the river. I took some pictures there as well, but haven't added them to yet. Here's a couple for you to see. I'll add more to flikr soon.

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