Saturday, October 28, 2006

First Entry from Hungary...

After my visa came in I decided to change my flight. Originally I was hoping to change it to October 27, 28 or 29. When I called the travel agency, the only flight that was open to me was on October 25. (Only two days later.) I considered my options, finish up everything in California and leave in less than 48 hours or arrive in Hungary with only three days to get unpacked and organized before starting work. Having ten days to get unpacked, organized, and somewhat adjusted was more important to me.

I packed up my stuff, e-mailed my flatmate to make sure she was ready for me and boarded the plane. Wow!! It's so crazy to me! God is definitely working on stuff in my life because that is so unlike my personality. But...God is not limited by my personality.

My traveling went well. The total flight time was approximately 13 hours plus a three hour layover in London. Two people from my ESI team and my school administrator met me at the airport. I was so happy to see them!!

My first full day in Hungary was quite full. Erin and I went to her school in the morning. I observed one of her classes and another ESI teacher's class. Then we went to my school, met with my administrator and picked up some books from my resource library. Then we went home and rested a little bit. Later in the evening, we went shopping so I could get some living/organizational stuff like a laundry basket, etc.

I already feel pretty well adjusted to the time difference. I think that is partly due to me altering my schedule before leaving California in trying to get everything done.

Thank you for all your prayers and support!!

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