Monday, September 18, 2006

My Story...
I have been working in accounting for the past four years. This has been a good opportunity for me both professionally and personally. Although, my heart's desire has always been in ministering the love of God to people both in the states and overseas. So, I am taking that next step and moving to Hungary to teach conversational English.
The organization I will be teaching with is ESI aka I had applied and was accepted to teach with them in 2003 but did not feel ready at the time. I had been thinking about applying again this year, so I called in August to see about possibly teaching in the 2007 school year. When I called, I found out that they had an immediate need for a teacher this year. I did not feel ready, but I wanted to meet with them in person and talk about next year.
The day I went to meet with them, they were in the middle of training. I was able to meet with new teachers, veteran teachers and support staff members. I sat through trainings, meals and a teaching practicum. I ended up spending the whole day there, arriving at 9:00 am and leaving at 8:40 pm. I had such an awesome time. By the time I left, I had decided that if at all possible I would go this year. So, here I am preparing to leave. I still have approximately a month before I leave, but I'm very excited about this opportunity.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Yesterday I found out that I will still be in California for about two weeks longer than I had thought. We are waiting on paperwork from the school to send in my travel visa application. It takes approximately 25 days to get the visa once applied. So it looks like I will be in CA until the middle of October.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I started training my replacement at work yesterday. We will have two weeks working together. Hopefully it will go well and she will feel comfortable before I leave.