Saturday, November 11, 2006

I finished my first week of teaching in Hungary!!!

Things went well. Of course, I was a little nervous before starting. But, I'm looking forward to a good year. Most of my students have a good grasp of English, but I have to speak slowly and clearly. And...for those of you who are wondering, I do speak loud enough for them to hear me. :-)

I have 13 different classes that I meet with each week. Most of them I only see once, but I do have a couple of classes that I see 3 or 4 times a week. My classes consist of 10 to 15 students. That makes it easier to work with each one of them. I really like it.

My commute to school takes about 45 minutes. I walk about ten minutes to the tram and take two different trams. The second one drops me off pretty much right in front of my school. The commute has been nice as well. It gives me time to listen to some worship music on my way into and out of the teaching mode.

As is the case with anything, there are difficulties. Adjusting to the work ethic of a new culture is at times difficult. But I've been learning to be flexible and roll with it. So, I'm doing well. God is good!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006


I woke up this morning, and as is typical looked outside to see what Hungary looks like today. Well, it was raining, but that rain didn't look like rain at home because it was snow! I kept looking thinking is that really snow, I'd go to a different window and look again. Then finally I knocked on Erin's door and told her it was snowing. She jumped out of bed and came to look. It didn't stick or anything but still . . . I live in a city where it snows! I tried to capture it in some pictures, but it's kind of difficult to see. The most you can see it on are the leaves right outside of our balcony window.

Erin and I along with some other Americans went to the Hungary State Opera House yesterday evening. Verdi's Requiem was perfomed in choral format. The tickets were very affordable, actually less than seeing a movie in the states!! :-)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In some ways it's hard to believe I've been in Hungary for a week already. It feels like only a few days. But in other ways it feels like I've been here longer because it feels like home.

I have unpacked everything and started to settle in. I was able to get some things to organize my room with. There aren't any decorations in my room yet, but that's okay eventually I'll get around to hanging some things on the walls.

This past Monday, I met my principal. He seems very nice, and he speaks enough English for me to understand him. My network of people at school seem very supportive.

I still have a few more legal documents to take care of, but that should be done by Saturday. I got my resident alien card, a bank account and a cell phone. I'm so glad that I came out earlier than my original flight date.

Things are going really well with my flatmate, Erin. (Here she is pictured with me.) It will be a good year for both of us. She has been so helpful. God really blessed me with someone who has lived here before. She already knows most of the things that I need to do, when I wouldn't even typically think about them. She is part of the local Calvary Chapel church. I attended the church with her this past Sunday and will probably continue to attend for the remainder of my stay.

The weather has started getting a little cold for me. Yesterday evening I went out with my hat, scarf, and gloves and I was still a little cold. I hope my body adjusts to the climate here before it starts snowing!!!
Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of himself.
Ask and seek, and your heart will grow big enough to receive him and to keep him as your own. Wherever God has put you, that is your vocation. It is not what we do but how much love we put into it.

- Mother Teresa